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DONGA Demisoda(Green grapes) 250ML

DONGA Demisoda(Green grapes) 250ML


데미소다 청포도 250ml

DONGA Demisoda(Green grapes) 250ML


정제수,액상과당, 백설탕, 청포도농축과즙, 키위퓨레, 탄산가스, 사과산, 구연산, 탄닌산, 메타인산나트륨, 구연산나트륨, 정제소금, 합성향료(청포도향, 후르츠향, 시트러스향), 감미료(아세설팜칼륨, 수크랄로스, 혼합제제덱스트린, 홍화황색소 치자청색소)



Water, liquid sugar, white sugar, green grape concentrated fruit juice, kiwi puree, carbon dioxide, apple acid, citric acid, tanninic acid, sodium methaphosphate, sodium citrate, citrus scent, sweetener (acesulfam potassium, sucralose, mixed agent, blue-colored chisorine)




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