[MQ00020] 간장게장 / Raw crabs marinated with soy sauce
간장게장 / Raw crabs marinated with soy sauce
** 배송되는 간장게장은 날씨영향으로 인해 변질 우려가 있어 살짝 냉동 후 배송됩니다 :)
2일정도 숙성 후감칠맛나는 양념과 통통한 꽃게살을 밥과 함께 드시면 훨씬 맛있습니다!
Ingredients :
Red crab (made in Korea), jin soy sauce, soup soy sauce, sugar, plum extract, soju, ginger, whole garlic, green onion, onion, apple, dried red chili pepper, buckwheat soba sauce, red chili pepper, geen chili pepper
Country of Origin
South Korea
Store in a frozen storage ( -18 degrees)
Please ensure that it is consumed within 3 days.