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[MQ00024] 양념 킹 새우/Spicy Marinated Row prawn/300g

[MQ00024] 양념 킹 새우/Spicy Marinated Row prawn/300g


양념 킹 새우Spicy Marinated Raw prawn (300g)


** 배송되는 양념 킹 새우는 날씨영향으로 인해 변질 우려가 있어 살짝 냉동 후 배송됩니다 :)

감칠맛나는 양념과 통통한 새우살을 밥과 함께 드시면 훨씬 맛있습니다! 



king prawn , pepper powder, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, oligosaccharide, plum concentrate, cooking liquor



Store in a frozen storage ( -18 degrees)

Please ensure that it is consumed within 3 days and store it in the fridge.


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