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[NA00030] Jjambbongtang

[NA00030] Jjambbongtang


매일 오전 9시에 주문 마감하여 신선하게 요리된 음식을 보내드립니다. 매일 재고는 낮 12시 이후에 리셋됩니다.

We always close the order 9 AM for providing fresh food to the customers. The stock will reset after 12pm.

*KOOKBAB 와 콜라보한 상품 입니다.


짬뽕탕 / Jjambbongtang




Mixed Seafood, mussel, shrimp, cabbage, onion, green onion, chili powder, Hon dashi, soy sauce, salt, pepper


This facility includes fish, seafood(crustacean), soy, eggs and sesame oil etc.

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